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What To Do In The Garden - Spring Tips


Oh my Gosh, the sun is out. The streets are busy with excited, happy people. The sun is out! This is Annie the new landscape designer here at DeSantis Landscapes and oh my gosh the sun is shining!!! As the sun fills me with hope and excitement it’s also giving me a window to get some tasks in the yard done. As I make my list for my own garden I thought I’d share some tips with you as well:

  • First cut on the lawn: If this has not happened yet now is the time to do it. I cut my lawn between 2” and 2.5”. It gives it a beautiful lush, tidy look. Lime and spring fertilization of the lawn: I use dolomite lime and apply it with a spreader at a rate of 25 lbs per 1000 square feet. This is super important to use the right amount to get the best results. Then, I follow up with a balanced Organic lawn fertilizer (be sure to read the bag for suggested application rates). Since rain is eventually coming within a day or two applying these now will help with a healthy, lush lawn later with the rains soaking this in.
  • It is time to start working on the annual weeds of this season such as bittercress, which is about to go to seed so I have to get to that ASAP. The flower of this weed brings beneficial insects to the garden but when it seeds it scatters millions of seeds. Then there is the Dandelion. I love the edible –ness of the leaf but wow does it have one of the deepest tap roots of the weed family? Since the ground is soft now is the time to get that bugger.
  • Another task on the list is the annual event of mulching. I strive for 2”-3” inches of compost maybe even 4 inches every year which makes the garden look clean and feeds my plants.
  • With the edibles getting lettuce, carrots and potatoes in the ground is another priority. Also, any new beds you want to develop for summer planting, now is the time.

As I am writing this I am realizing that I must get to the list since the sun does not shine that often at this time of year.

Happy gardening and of course if you need help just call us at 503-639-0151 (Portland) or 503-364-8376 (Salem).