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Container Planting


Wondering what to do with your beautiful planter pot? There are so many options.. let’s get started.

Based on size and shape the first step is to decide if you intend to “look at it” or make it work for you by producing a harvest.

Ornamental plant choices are plentiful and should be selected based on sound growing requirements such as exposure, water requirements, and growth habits.  Adequate drainage via well-draining soil is critical for containers.

Containers can support most plants successfully and seasonally even indoor varieties. Keep in mind root growth requirements when choosing container plant species. Top-heavy, root-bound planters may result from inappropriate selections.

If your container plantings are to provide screening as on a deck or patio area then evergreens of manageable size could be an option. Containers work well to “corral” some of the “wide-ranging” species like bamboo.

Container crop production is a topic in and of itself but simple berry / fruit-producing species can provide a delicious “snack” on the patio.

Give us a call at DeSantis Landscapes and we can help create container plantings for every situation.

~Kyle Glynn

Landscape Consultant

DeSantis Landscapes