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Why Do You Do This?

The Community

We have begun to focus heavily on this question; why do we do this work? What is it that gets us excited about doing what we do? Where does our passion lie? What is our purpose?

In our 2013 Strategic Planning session a few months ago we developed a new policy that whenever three or more of us are gathered in a meeting we would begin that meeting by reciting DeSantis Landscapes Mission Statement.


Create and Maintain Environments of Lasting Beauty

Gain the Trust and Respect of our Community

Continually Improve Ourselves and our Company

As an organization, this is our WHY. This is what motivates us and makes us the company that we are. We are focusing on this not only as a company but as individuals. My belief is that if we can tap into this question for each of my staff that I will not only have more satisfied workers who are connecting with their passion but that our clients will benefit from an inspired interaction with this person and our company. Win-win!

One of the ways that I want to tap into and share the incredible knowledge base and passion of my staff is through this blog. I have asked seven DeSantis Landscapes team members to write five blog articles a piece about a gardening or landscape topic of interest. Each one of them sent me their topics that they plan to write about and this is going to be good stuff! We have everything from “The 10 Commandments of Gardening”, to “Creating Mood with Plant Choices” and “What’s New in Water Features”. I am going to be posting these throughout the year and I hope you enjoy and I hope that you start to get a sense of WHY we do this work.
