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Climate Change & Your Landscape

Sustainable landscaping Salem Oregon DeSantis Landscapes

As epic summer weather continues in intensity, frequency and scale, the heat-drought-wildfire cycle and the cost to our landscapes, and environmental and human health is real.

At DeSantis, we believe that climate change is a problem no one can solve alone but a solution we can work toward together. To that end, DeSantis is responding by finding ways to meet climate-positive objectives, including addressing heat stress, water conservation and ecosystem health.

“A good rule of thumb is to think about the landscape as a climate solution,” says company president, Dean DeSantis. “And that starts with creating a healthy soil. Soil plays a key role in the carbon cycle and anytime we improve soil health and structure, we increase its ability to offset greenhouse gases.  When we use more native plants to counter drought, and consider the needs of pollinators and beneficial insects, we’re basically strengthening the ability of the plants and soil to create a more resilient, regenerative and interdependent carbon sequestering system.”

While larger climate goals are immense, DeSantis Landscapes’ framework for action includes ten steps that can help reduce our carbon footprint.

  • Have the right technologies and practices in place to improve carbon sequestration, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce heat island effect
  • Specify climate-smart landscaping, native plants, fire-resistant and drought-tolerant plant material, wherever possible
  • Rethink high-maintenance lawns and transition to meadows and low-growing, less thirsty perennials
  • Plant more trees to improve air quality, increase your landscape’s carbon-capturing capability, and provide energy savings from shade
  • Reduce the use of synthetic nitrogen and introduce slow-release fertilizers, like compost and compost tea, to keep your plants healthy and more resilient
  • Use energy-efficient equipment, clean energy and renewables, wherever possible
  • Capture storm water through permeable materials, rain gardens, bioswales and green roofs, to improve and protect ground water quality
  • Take increased action on water management with advanced systems that absorb, divert or capture water to reduce flooding, and reduce the waste stream
  • Stabilize soil to reduce erosion, improve soil performance and microbial health, and become more effective as a carbon storage system
  • Seek opportunities to enhance ecosystem biodiversity, advance ecological regeneration, and restore pollinator habitats

To learn more about DeSantis Landscapes approach to climate-positive landscaping, go to: