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Desantis Landscapes Promotes Horticulturist Heidi Dillon to Regional Manager

Heidi Dillon DeSantis Landscapes

“Landscaping is a flourishing business,” says Heidi Dillon, a former technology sector professional whose passion for the environment led her to a life-changing career at DeSantis Landscapes.  As one of the firm’s newest regional managers, Heidi’s journey is the ultimate roadmap for creating an ideal future by doing what you love.

In Heidi’s case, that means working with a team of “super smart people” and overseeing a vast region of commercial and residential landscape accounts out of DeSantis’ headquarters in Salem, Oregon, an area which includes Corvallis, Albany and Dallas.

It’s a responsibility that pivots on her strengths and experience, and her interest in the value of collaboration. “Magic happens when working together towards a common goal,” she said. “When you are part of an amazing team, you can accomplish anything.”

DeSantis’ regional framework is built on principles of agile management. “We’re responding faster to change by reinventing our organization in a way that adds flexibility for our customers and empowers greater team autonomy,” said company president Dean DeSantis.

For Heidi, this will keep everyone at the top of their game. “Becoming a top-performing team is one of our goals and we know we have to check in with each other regularly to make sure we’re aligned, strategic, and expanding our capabilities in the right direction. I’m constantly impressed by our group’s healthy sense of collegiality, respect for customers and the environment, and trust across the board,” she said.

As DeSantis approaches its 50th year in business, it’s commitment to conservation and biodiversity remains as strong as ever.  Thanks to Heidi, and a workplace culture that embraces sustainability, DeSantis teams across Oregon have incredibly important roles to play.

“If I had one piece of advice for our customers,” said Heidi, “it would be to raise awareness. That landscaping isn’t only about the beauty we see in our plants and trees, but how important it is to manage the challenges that come with it—climate change, pollution, water quality.  Landscape experts, like us, are environmental professionals who are always looking for better ways to address how nature works, and what threats there are we can fix, manage or protect.”

The links between technology, business and the environment make us all stakeholders in sustainability. “The great thing about my job,” says the Oregon State University graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture, “is that there are so many opportunities that fit my passion. I get to work in a leading green business, be an advocate for ecosystem health, and help change the way what we do impacts how we live.”

DeSantis Landscapes is one of the Best Green Workplaces in Oregon for the 11th year.

To learn more about DeSantis’ sustainability practice and the role landscape practices play to ensure the greater health and well-being of our communities, go to: