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Beyond Pesticides: Reducing Toxicity in Our Landscapes

building with crepe myrtle trees

DeSantis Landscapes supports the State of Oregon’s recently enacted curbs on the indiscriminate use of toxins on key property types, including HOAs.  These toxins fall into a class of chemicals that include glyphosates and neonicotinoids, which represent a potential risk to pollinators, non-target organisms, and human health and safety.

As environmental professionals, and as a leader in landscape and horticultural services, our approach to landscape and ecological health is grounded in sustainable best practices, which include IPM – integrated pest management.  IPM, besides protecting pollinators, addresses environmentally sound, yet effective ways to keep insects from destroying or damaging plants.

IPM as a practice means we modify the way we design, irrigate, fertilize and manage landscapes to deprive plant pests the food, water, or habitat they need to thrive. This includes using weed control products with minimal residual impact, and managing pests through biological controls, also known as ‘natural enemies’.

To encourage a healthier, less toxic, soil and plant environment, we recommend converting traditional lawns to naturalized perennial meadows and eco-lawns. This is one of many climate-positive solutions that have the added benefit of improving carbon sequestration, and creating forage and habitat for pollinators and beneficial organisms.

DeSantis Landscapes is pleased to see the State of Oregon leading on issues that impact environmental and human health, and are looking forward to working constructively and collaboratively with our clients and colleagues to improve our common ground.

To learn more about DeSantis Landscapes’ commitment to not just ‘be green but to do green’, go to: