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Desantis Landscapes COVID19 Update

Hand washing

Portland, OR- Oregon Governor Kate Brown has issued Executive Order 20-12, which significantly tightens social distancing guidelines. The order directs everyone in Oregon to stay at home to the maximum extent possible. It also adds a batch of new businesses that must temporarily close to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The language of Gov. Brown’s order makes it clear that landscape services may continue as long as our team is strictly complying with CDC and Oregon Health Authority (OHA)  guidelines as it relates to social distancing, hand washing and disinfecting.  The health and safety of our people and our clients are very important to us. Below you will find our Operations Policy including the required designation of our Social Distancing Officer, Bryan Gyllen (VP Operations/Partner). We have implemented a 1 person per vehicle policy to ensure proper social distancing (except in cases where family members or other household members are working together). Please let me know if you have any questions about any of this. 

DeSantis Landscapes – Production Plan – Covid19 Outbreak – Operations Policy

In compliance with Executive Order 20-12 “Stay at Home: Save Lives” issued on March 23, 2020, DeSantis Landscapes, Inc. (DLI) has established the following protocols:  

  1. Bryan Gyllen, VP Operations, is designated as our official company Social Distancing Officer
  2. All Maintenance Foremen, Construction Project Managers and Enhancement Managers are responsible for serving as their job site Social Distancing Representatives. The responsibilities include ensuring that every DeSantis Landscapes Team Member on the job site is compliant with the DLI Enhanced Safety and Health Protocols for Preventing the Transmission of Covid-19. 
  3. The Social Distancing Officer, or his Job Site representatives, have the authority to suspend a Team Member and send them home should they not be willing to follow these protocols. 
  4. The DLI Enhanced Safety and Health Protocols for Preventing the Transmission of Covid-19 includes the following: 

Production Staff:

  1. 1 person/truck –
  2. Practice social distancing of 6 ft always
  3. Truck disinfecting (disinfecting wipe-down):
    1. Before each shift in every truck
    2. After each shift in every truck
  4. PPE for DeSantis Team Members
    1. Hand Sanitizer
    2. Normal required PPE per task
    3. Masks (if deemed necessary)

Management Staff:

  1. Remote work at home – stay out of office – if job duties allow
  2. Solitary work from car for select site visits
  3. Vehicle Disinfecting (disinfecting wipe-down, once every time used)
  4. Distance from others – 6ft always.

Administrative Staff:

  1. Staff office with a skeleton team – 1 or 2 people
  2. Remote work at home – if job activities permit
  3. Maintain office supplies of PPE:
    1. Hand sanitizer
    2. Clean surfaces in common areas at least twice per day
  4. Distance from others 6 ft always
  5. Front door is locked with sign instructing # 6 and 7 below
  6. Visitors, including job applicants, are not allowed in lobby area without prior appointment
  7. All deliveries will be left outside of the office lobby area